CD Creative Co had the opportunity to work with Big Brothers, Big Sisters on a program called “Consider a Creative Career.” 15 “little” brothers and sisters along with their “big” counterparts came into the office where we talked about how we started our business and what we do here. Then we split the students into two groups. The first group worked with Ignacio on creating a whiteboard video.
Each student was asked to draw something that was meaningful to them about the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program while their drawing process was captured on video.
The second group talked with Shawn and looked at the website we created for a popular football player. Shawn talked about how we created the site, how we maintain it and also how we integrate the site with various social media platforms. The groups then swapped stations so that everyone had an opportunity to engage in both activities. It was a wonderful experience and all the kids who participated were an absolute pleasure to work with—they asked smart questions and were very engaged.