Branding / Logos
It all begins here.
CDC believes a brand should be designed as if everything depends on it, because it does.
We find the relevant benefits of your offering, get to know the culture of your buyers, observe what your competition offers and then combine what we learn with what we know to create brands that work.
Support your logo and effectively position your business.
Combining a concise and benefit-driven tag line with your logo instantly communicates the purpose and attributes of your offering. CDC explores positioning language based on attributes and benefits uncovered in our discovery phase, and incorporates your tag line with your logo for a strong brand that speaks to your audience.
Brand Extensions
Adding new offerings to well-established brands requires experience.
Do you have a well-established brand and need to add a new product, a sub-brand or communication tools that work with your existing marketing efforts? CDC has the experience to extend your brand into new territories and new media types while remaining true to it.