Viking Masek Whiteboard Video.
Viking Masek is a leader in packaging system equipment that recently collaborated with Catral Doyle to create an engaging and informative whiteboard video for their Quickest to Profit Start-Up Plans.
The Objective: To develop an engaging and informative whiteboard video to introduce Viking Masek’s Quickest to Profit Start-Up Plans. Viking Masek’s Quickest to Profit Start-Up Plans help their clients get their packaging systems to 100% production in their first week online and includes training for their clients to keep production at 100% after the Viking Masek experts complete the program.
The CDC Solution: Our team began with scriptwriting to present the challenge and the benefits of Viking Masek’s Quickest to Profit Start-Up Plans. Our storyboard process worked out any questions and refinements in preparation for producing the video. Viking Masek provided specific images of the equipment they wanted to be featured in the video, and our illustrator developed drawings that accurately represented their complex equipment. Our team provided voice talent options for the Viking Masek to consider. Viking Masek had specific requests for the voice-over tone, and Catral Doyle directed the voice talent to meet the expectation. All of our videos are conceived, hand-drawn, recorded, and edited to perfectly track the voice-over. Our team used animations and sound effects to emphasize important information and make the video more impactful.
The Results: Viking Masek’s sales team now has a practical, compelling, and consistent way to tell the story of the Quickest to Profit Start-Up Plans.