Let’s all do our best to take care of ourselves and each other!

There are a few things you can do to avoid getting and spreading the Covid-19 virus

Wash your hands A LOT! Especially before touching your face, mouth, nose and eyes. Wash hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. Don’t forget your thumbs, under your nails, under rings and between your fingers and scrub vigorously. Take moms advise and always wash your hands before you eat. After washing your hands, turn off the faucet with your wrist or elbow.

When you are out and about, Greet others with a warm smile and keep a 6 foot distance from others

Avoid sharing food, beverages, utensils and makeup with others

You will touch things others touch while you are out, Use hand sanitizer and wash your hands when you return home

Clean surfaces at home including door handles, light switches, sink, shower and toilet handles, remote controls, keyboards, phones, and appliance doors. In your car, clean steering wheels, audio and other controls

If you do feel any symptoms, stay home and Don’t be a spreader!  

Cough or sneeze into a tissue and dispose of it or cough into your clothing to avoid spreading the virus to others

The virus is mild for most people. Elderly people and those with health issues have a more difficult time recovering, if you are not feeling well, hold off on visiting people that fit these descriptions.

Take care of yourself and each other!